Grease pencil animation
Grease pencil animation

grease pencil animation grease pencil animation

My feedback should be "awaking" more ideas to improve this tool (I am not looking for a "master", who can activate the smooth option for strokes in the preferences - I mean, that it would be very cool, to have a smoothness-slider - and perhaps a "smooth-brush" for the strokes of a animation - also for the line-thicknes. But I mean, that it needs many improvements until it will be "ready". The grease pencil tool has some very coole features. Here we are in 2d-animation-forum - please, see Anime Studio (and other etablished 2d-animation-software) - with the cool possibilities to make - and correct animations. I think, that it has the potential for a very cool feature, to do 2d-animtaions with the possibilities of Blenders 3d-features. I wish, that this tool will be a "usefull tool for 2d-animation productions". My arguments should not to start a war about this tool. Yes, I have found the possibility to change the color settings (the colour wheel button).Īnd, yes, I know, that the developers are working hard to improve this tool. Opinion was not to diskuss - and change arguments - for - and again - the 2d grease pencil tool in blender.

Grease pencil animation